Causes Of Spinal Inflammation

Spinal inflammation refers to different neurological conditions which results to individuals suffering from back pain. This kind of condition can strike any individual of any age. This may be cause by viral infection, bacteria or auto immune disease.

Causes of Spinal Inflammation

Ankylosing Spondylitis

This condition is a kind of arthritis that affects the spine. It is actually an inflammation in the tendons and ligaments which links to the bone. This kind of spinal inflammation can lead to wearing down of tissue and causes a new bone to grow. This new bone growth can stop movement and may result to fusion between bones.

Several studies are conducted with patients who have Ankylosing Spondylitis. There is one study which showed reduce spinal inflammation in patients who are suffering Ankylosing Spondylitis because they receive Infliximab therapy. The improvement was seen in MRI. The same study showed that those who receive placebo experience persistent spinal inflammation ( Arthritis Rheum 2006).

Transverse Myelitis

Acute Transverse Myelitis stops nerve impulses from being sent to the spinal cord. This condition often affects area around the spinal cord especially the thoracic area. It is an auto immune system problem. As a result the body attacks its own tissues thinking that the body’s tissues are foreign substance. This might happen during bacterial infections like tuberculosis and syphilis or multiple sclerosis.

Other spinal inflammatory disorders can be a result from conditions like osteoporosis where bone density is gradually decreasing. Another is Discitis which is an infection in the region between bones or vertebrae and Arachnoiditis which is also an infection of the membranes outlining the spinal column.

Diagnosis of Spinal Inflammation

Identifying spinal inflammations starts with a physical examination. Another requirement are several blood test and imaging like X-rays and MRI to show visual proof of changes in the spine and bone growths. In instances like ankylosing spondylitis, genetic testing may be required to prove spinal inflammation.

Symptoms of Spinal Inflammation

Symptoms of Spinal Inflammation include fatigue, fever, chills, urinate often, weakness in the limbs, paralysis and back pain.

Treatment of Spinal Inflammation

Treatment of spinal inflammation depends on what causes it. If it is cause by infection then antibiotic and rest is the primary treatment. If it is causes by auto immune disorders then muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory medication may manage the pain. Other form of treatment may include physical therapy and plasma transfusion. In cases where bony growths is present then surgery might be needed to relieve pressure. In severe case mechanical ventilation can help with breathing.