Back Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief

For full recovery from injury or even from a surgery of your back, you need regular exercises to slowly rebuild the strength of your back and slowly go back to your day to day activities. Your physical therapist may recommend that you perform your exercise ten to thirty minutes a day. There are exercises specific for a certain back conditions and there are exercise too designed for lower back pain relief. Below are some of back exercises for lower back pain relief.

Pelvic Tilt

Bend your knees and tighten your stomach. Squeeze your buttocks together and press your lower back to the floor. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch back muscles ad strengthen the stomach.

Single Knee to Chest

Put one knee to your chest and keep the other leg down. Hold the position for a few seconds before switching to the other leg. This exercise aims to stretch the lower back, hips and buttocks.

Double Knee to Chest

Pull both of your knees to your chest then lower your legs to the floor and straighten the knees. It aims to stretch lower back, hips and buttocks.

Straight Leg Raise

Raise one leg with knee straight. Keep toes pointed toward the head. The other knee may be kept straight or bent. It aims to stretch thigh muscles and hip.

Lower Back Rotation

Bend knees together with feet on the floor. Drop knees to one side while keeping your trunk flat. Turn your head on the opposite side. Do it in alternate sides. This exercise aims to stretch lower back, hips and oblique.

Partial Sit-Ups

Bend your knees and put hands behind your head. Raise head and upper body, raising your shoulders off the floor. Do not strain neck and do not pull with your arms but you may put your hands across your chest or on your thighs. This exercise aims to strengthen the stomach.

Hip Lift

Bend your knees and tighten your stomach. Squeeze your buttocks and slowly raise your hips off the floor. Do not push mainly using the legs. This aims to strengthen the buttocks.

These are just a few of back exercises for lower back pain relief. It is no wonder why more people are opting for exercise program for it is safe and is proven to be effective in relieving pain as supported by various research and studies that are conducted. In fact you will read this in one issue of Medical News Today entitled “Back Pain Best Treated by Combination of GP, Exercise and Manipulation” (BMJ 2004). It only shows that exercise in combination with other treatments will surely work miracles.