Spina Bifida Causes

Spina Bifida is an incomplete development of the spinal cord, brain and meninges which is the protective layer around the spinal cord and brain. Neural tube defect is the most common in the United States today. In fact out of the 4 million babies born each year, 1500 to 2000 of it is born with the defect.

Different Types of Spina Bifida

Occulta. This is the most common and mildest form of Spina Bifida where one to more bones or vertebrae is abnormally formed. This malformation is actually hidden by a layer of skin and this form of Spina Bifida seldom causes symptoms or disability.

Closed Neural Tube Defects. This type of Spina Bifida consists of spinal defects where spinal cord is marked by abnormalities in the bone, fat or membranes. Some individuals who have this type of Spina Bifida have exhibit a few or no symptoms at all. In others it causes partial paralysis with bowel and urinary dysfunction.

Meningocele. The third type is the meninges stick out from the spinal opening and these abnormalities may or may not be covered by layer of skin. Some individuals who suffer this condition may or may not exhibit any symptoms but other may exhibit symptoms similar to that of closed neural tube defects.

Myelomeningocele. This is the fourth type which is the most serious among the four. It is severe when the spinal cord is exposed through an opening in the spine. This condition often leads to complete or partial paralysis of region of the body under the affected spinal. Paralysis may be too severe that the individual may not be able to walk and suffers from bowel and bladder dysfunction.

Causes of Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida causes remains to be unknown. No one really knows what stops or hinders complete closure of the neural tube causing those abnormalities to develop. Scientist can only suspect that factors like nutrition, genes and environment plays an important role. Studies also showed that not enough intake of folic acid in the mothers diet during pregnancy palsy a role in causing Spina bifida and other neural tube defects.

That is why doctors do prescribe vitamins that contain folic acid to pregnant women to prevent such abnormalities to develop. Indeed this vitamin is very important in having a healthy baby however this does not guarantee you to be free of risk of having your fetus affected with Spina Bifida ( NINDS ).