Current Options For Dog Pain Relief

Pain is quite a common complain of people nowadays. For sometime in their life they do experience pain that ranges from mild to severe. Others might think that this symptoms only occurs on individuals or humans but the fact is, this is also experience with animals especially dogs. Today, veterinary medicine is getting popular in area of pain relief for dogs. The reason behind is because of the use of advance diagnostic methods and diagnostic imaging which can certainly identify the cause of such pain.

Also dog owners these days are more aware of the frequent occurrence of chronic pain and its effect in their dog’s behavior and condition. So that if something is wrong you should be the first to notice the difference especially in your pets behavior. Fortunately there are a lot of options for dog pain relief available today. Below are the most common options that you can take if your dog is suffering from acute pain.

Pain medications for dog

Generally the initial step of treatment is giving of pain medications and there are variety of pain killers which includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), steroidal anti-inflammatory and narcotic drugs. Depending on the severity, the veterinarian will be the one to determine which medication to give.


If you think it is only humans who benefit from acupuncture, well hold on to your seats but animals do benefit a lot from acupuncture and records shows that this method of treatment for animals have existed years ago. Today more researched has been conducted and results of such study show that it is worth to give it a try.

Acupressure and Massage

This mode of treatment brings a lot of benefit and once you learn the technique from your veterinarian on how to apply it to your dog pet then you can easily perform this at home. As long as it is done properly then your dog would surely benefit from it.

Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy.

This is very effective in treating the pain in your dog and it helps a lot in the range of movement of your dog’s joints. It aids in relieving pain due to over used or underused muscles, connective tissue and tendons. This has been proven effective with several studies conducted and one study showed that dogs who undergo physiotherapy can walk than those who did not undergo the therapy (J Vet Intern Med 2006).


Surgery is performed only on special cases. Like if there is a tumor or growth that needs to be eliminated to relieve your pet dog from pain. However alternative or conservative form of treatment is still the best in treating pain in your dog.