Inversion Table Exercises

One way of relieving your back from stress is through Inversion table exercises. The use of inversion table is quite popular especially with those people who are suffering from mild to severe back pain. It is known to relieve pain from various back conditions like sciatica, disc compression and other kinds of pain down in the leg. Read further to know some of the inversion table exercises that will certainly bring much relieve to any of your back problems.

Hang Upside Down

The simplest and easiest inversion table exercise to do is just to hang upside down which eliminates all the stress and pressure in the nerves in your back. For most people, inversion table exercise eliminates tension and the headache resulting from stress. This is quite the same when you perform Yoga head stand and delivers the same benefits although the use of inversion tables makes hanging upside down much easier and comfortable.

One of the advantages of inversion table exercise against yoga is that with inversion table exercise you can start slowly rather than being completely inverted like the head stand position. As starter you can start at twenty to thirty degrees and increases it slowly until you reach full inversion that is one hundred eighty degrees. Most of the exercises are perform at full inversion level although some are possible at the beginning level.

Stretching Exercise

Just like any exercise program, an inversion table exercise should start with gentle stretching movements. As a start, you can stretch your shoulders gently as if you are reaching across your upper arm. The part of the body worked with this stretch is the lower back areas, upper back and the neck. Performing this gentle stretches can relieve some of the pain and stress in the area.

Other stretches includes moving your body from side to side and rocking your pelvis slowly. Doing this stretches promotes more flexibility in the body and making you feel much better.

Inversion Sit Ups

As you progress from stretching you can go on to the next level and that is performing some inversion sit ups. However be warned that inversion sit ups is quite difficult to perform than the usual sit up. Just imagine one inversion sit up is equivalent to ten regular sit ups. This exercise is certainly great for core strength training with low stress.

Other inversion table exercises include inverted rotations, inverted crunches and inverted squats. Just like any exercise program, it is best if you go slow and take your time. A beginner can start five minutes of exercise and can just increase it if you want. A more advance user can spend fifteen to twenty minutes.

Inversion table exercises are best and safe way to relieve from back pain. It brings lots of benefits like decreased muscle spasms, re-aligns the spine, better posture and improved blood circulation.

This is not just what others claimed it to be but its effectiveness is also supported with several studies that show the effectiveness of inversion table. One study done by Nosse, L. regarding Inverted Spinal Traction, It is found out that muscle pain was reduced by 35% just after a ten seconds inversion. This study also found out that the use of inversion table increases the length of the spine thus concluded that inversion therapies do relieve pain and increased spinal length ( Nosse, L., Inverted Spinal Traction, 1978).

There are still lots of research and studies that shows the effectiveness of this therapy or the inversion exercises. That is why a lots of people have opted for inversion therapy since it is the safest form of treating back pains.