Tag Archives: sciatic nerve pain

Best Options For Sciatica Pain Management

Sciatica is more of a symptom than a medical condition. It is distinguished by pain in the gluteal region and lower back. This pain mostly spreads down to one or both legs and down into the calf, thigh, ankle and even the foot. You will know that it is sciatica when the pain travels below […]

Sciatic Nerve Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief

Most cases of sciatica pain responds well with specific exercise program. This sciatica exercise has its two main goal and that is lessens sciatic pain and prevents future occurrence. Most physical therapist, spine specialist, chiropractor or physiatrist will generally prescribed specific exercise and instruct you on how to perform the exercise. For some people, they […]

Sciatica In Pregnancy

For every expecting mother, the joys of pregnancy are just amazing. Whether it is your first baby or second one, the excitement is there and the preparation is always a joyful one. But there might be times when these joys are overshadowed by frustrations because of back pain and sciatica. Figures showed that three out […]