Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome

Have you encountered the term Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome? Perhaps the term sounds familiar but to those who have not heard of it, it is actually a disorder in the nervous system which is cause by some attachments of tissue which curb the motion of the cord in the spine inside the spinal column.

In children, symptoms of tethered spinal cord syndrome includes scoliosis, weakness in the legs, foot and spinal deformities; low back pain, dimples, hairy patches and lesions. This condition might go unidentified till adulthood. It is only when sensory skills and motor problems occur as well as loss control of bowel and bladder.

Tethered spinal cord syndrome seems to be a result from incorrect growth of neural tube during the fetal development and this is closely tied to spina bifida. This condition can also result from spinal cord injury or as a result from a condition called syringomyelia.

In children, surgery is best recommended so as to prevent further damaged or neurological deterioration. If surgery is not possible then nerve roots in the spinal cord may be cut to relieve from pain. The same thing with adults, surgery is still recommended to reduce the symptoms.

The scenario for people who suffers from syndrome of tethered spinal cord depends on the severity of their condition. But most patients who undergo treatments do experience a normal life although there are some who might suffer neurological and motor impairments even after treatment. Corrective measures might not work anymore for others who suffer from Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome.

According to NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke), research and studies are conducted for spinal cord disorders so as to be able to deliver more information regarding the cure and prevention of various spinal cord disorders especially syndrome of tethered spinal cord. Clinical research has been undergoing for such condition.