What Is The Best Joint Pain Remedy

Joint pain can be cause by various conditions and injuries. Whatever causes it , it sure is a bothersome condition. One of the most common conditions that cause joint pain is Rheumatoid Arthritis which is an auto immune disorder that brings pain and stiffness in the joints. Another type of arthritis that cause joint pain is osteoarthritis which involves the deterioration of cartilage and growth of bone spurs in the joint. This condition is quite common with individuals ages 45 and above and this can bring terrible joint pain.

Another condition that may cause joint pain is Bursitis which is an inflammation of the Bursae. These bursae are a fluid filled sac which allows tendons and muscles to move without hindrance over the bone. Other causes may include Gout, tendenitis, septic arthritis and infectious diseases like Influenza, hepatitis, measles, mumps, German measles, rheumatic fever and chicken pox.

Osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis is the most common types of arthritis that is affecting millions of individuals today. Treatment for such condition varies from complete rest to a more advance method of treatment that is surgery. Although surgery is not really recommended unless there is really a need to have one.

Remedy for joint pain cause by osteoarthritis can include anti-inflammatory drugs or various joint pain medications. Other types of treatment may include physical therapy, joint support and replacement; massage and many more.

One of the best remedy for joint pain is exercise. It is a great way of relieving stress from your joints as well as keeps the muscles around it strong. Individuals who suffer joint pain should consult their healthcare provider for the right exercise that they should perform. Not all exercise is good for those who are suffering from joint pain, thus it is important that you do not start any exercise program without consulting your doctor. Also, always avoid activities that will put more stress to your joints.

If you have severe arthritis pain then you can try water aerobics or swimming. Water helps in soothing your joints and aids in removing impact. If you can find a salt water pools then much better than a chemical-laden chlorine pools. There are plenty of clubs now which opt for salt water pools. Another low impact exercise activity is riding a bike.

A healthy balanced diet also plays an important role in relieving joint pain. Scientist from the University of East Anglia (UAE) conducted a research recently with broccoli being associated to joint health. It was found out that the compound sulforaphane found in broccoli stops the enzymes that cause damage of the joints especially in osteoarthritis cases. The UEA team plans to go on and make further studies to investigate the effects of broccoli in preventing or slowing down the advancement of osteoporosis.

Other alternative treatment include acupuncture. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) researchers are trying to assess the use of acupuncture on individuals who suffers from osteoarthritis. The preliminary findings recommend that the traditional Chinese acupuncture is effective and safe as part of therapy for osteoarthritis patients. Participants showed significant improvement in physical functions and it reduces symptoms of pain (NIAMS, University of Maryland Pain Center, Baltimore).