Causes Of Pain At Back Of Knee

Experiencing pain in back of knee is one discomfort that is really frustrating. It can range from mild to severe pain. It is vital though to address the problem immediately even if you only feel mild pain because it can worsen through time. What are the causes of pain at back of knee? The following are the most common cause of back of knee pain.


Arthritis is one condition that causes so much pain in the knees. In fact this is most common to elderly people. Arthritis pain is usually dull like a tooth ache pain and is sharp or gets worst when you move. Pain is usually felt in the joint of the knee. It can also occur in any joint of the body although the knee is the most common location. Sometimes swelling goes with the pain too. Pain is usually at worst with prolonged standing or walking. Pain gets better with rest, hot and cold therapy and of course some pain medication.

Baker’s Cyst

Cyst usually occurs because of other underlying conditions like a tear in the meniscus or arthritis. Your knee might swell which is cause by a fluid build-up in your knee. The fluid puts pressure in the weakest point of your joint capsule which surrounds your knee. This often happens at the back of your knee where the cyst usually forms. Pain associated with the cyst is achy and dull. Pain is usually at its worst with prolonged standing and walking but usually reduced when you rest and take some pain medication.

Minor Tear of the Cartilage

Another cause for pain at the back of the knee might be simple minor tears in the cartilage. Tears that are minor in nature does not need any surgery at all and can heal on its own with rest and of course always avoid the activity that cause it.

These are just a few of the back of knee pain causes, there are still other causes but the ones mentioned above is the most common. So what is the best thing to do with pain behind the knee? So far the best plan of action for these is the following;

Control the pain. Applying ice over the affected area for five minutes at a time. This will certainly help lessen the pain however if burning sensation is felt then discontinue application of ice.

You can alternate application from cold packs to hot packs. Hot packs for ten to twenty minutes may lessen the pain. The use of brace can help too and can provide that much needed relief from pain. It can relieve pressure and provides stability in the affected area.

Avoid activity that makes your condition worst. Nothing complicated but simply avoid any activity that worsens your pain and perform those that can help relieve pain. It will be helpful to put into writing the things that you should do and most of all the things that you should avoid doing. Just remember to keep away from activities that will make your pain worse.

Rehabilitate. Consult your doctor and ask for a rehabilitation program that will help you ease the pain. Most activities would include exercise. Exercise should always be prescribed by your doctor. Do not perform just any exercise or it may get you in a much worst condition than before. For sports people, pain in back of the knee is very common thus make sure to be careful with the kind of sports you are involved with. Just take extra care.