Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Cervical spondylosis or also known as osteoarthritis of the neck or it may be referred to as degenerative disc disease of the neck. This condition is brought about degenerative changes in the bones as well as the spinal disc.

The primary cause of cervical spondylosis is due to aging. This condition usually shows after age forty and continues to develop as you advance in age. However men tend to develop this condition much earlier than women. This is the most common condition to affect the spinal cord.

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Treatment for this condition is categorized into two that is the Non-surgical treatment and the surgical treatment. Read further as it tackles in details these two types of treatment.

Non-Surgical Treatment

Cervical Epidural Block. This procedure involves the use of anesthetic medicine and steroid injected into the epidural space. This is usually use for neck or arm pain that is cause by cervical disc herniation.

Ice/Heat Therapy. The most common homeopathic treatment is the application of cold/hot packs to relieve pain and other symptoms.

Medications. There are several medications available for treatment to manage the inflammation and pain. Acetaminophen can be use for mild pain combined with NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen. For painful muscle spasm, muscle relaxants can be use.

Medial Branch Block and Radiofrequency Ablation. In cases of chronic neck pain then this procedure can be use for treatment as well as diagnosis of a possible painful joint.

Physical Therapy. The best way to treat strained or weakened muscle is to perform some stretching and strengthening exercise. Your physical therapist or doctor may even suggest the use of cervical traction. Physical therapy program is not the same but most of the time this program last for about six to eight weeks and sessions are usually two to three times a week.

Collars. The collar can aid the neck muscles to rest since the collar limits movement of the neck. However these collars should be use for a short period of time because long term use can affect the strength of the neck muscles.

Surgical Treatment

Surgical treatment for cervical spondylosis is rare. Fortunately this condition can be managed well with the non-surgical treatment so far. Surgery is usually reserved for those who suffers from severe pain that has failed to respond to any of the non-surgical treatment. Surgery may be a good option for those individuals who suffer from progressive neurological symptoms like numbness, or weakness.