Spondylosis Of The Neck

Spondylosis of the neck is a degenerative disease that affects the neck joints and vertebrae. It can strike both men and women age 40 and above but it usually occurs in men at an early age than women.

Spondylosis of the neck is also popular as cervical osteoarthritis. It is the wear and tear of the vertebrae in the cervical spine due to aging. The cartilage and bone slowly deteriorates and form bone spurs which can put pressure in the spinal cord and results to tightening of the spinal canal. If nerves are compress then it may cause permanent or temporary nerve damage (BMJ 2007).

Spondylosis of the neck is cause mostly with injury and the normal process of aging. As people advance in age, its cervical disc dries out and loses its elasticity and the ligaments that join muscles and bones in the neck stiffen. Another cause is neck injury increase also the risk of having cervical spondylosis.

The most common symptoms of spondylosis of the neck are stiffness and pain in the neck. Other symptoms includes pain that spreads into the chest, arm and shoulder; and tingling sensations in the hands and arms. Some individuals may have a headache that is located in the back of the head. In cases where the spinal cord is compressed, you may experience weakness and numbness in hands and arms.

Diagnosis of spondylosis of the neck or cervical spondylosis is base in the patient’s symptoms, medical history and physical exam. If the doctor suspects cervical spondylosis then he will request for test to confirm his diagnosis. Doctor will request MRI, CT scan and X-rays of the neck. Or further studies doctor will request for a cervical myelogram, a test which involves injecting of a special dye into the neck to see clearly for any abnormalities like tightening of the spinal canal or disc herniation.

Treatment for Spondylosis of the neck consist of non-surgical and surgical treatment, Mild case of spondylosis of the neck is treated by taking anti-inflammatory medications, exercise to strengthen the neck muscles and the use of neck brace to limit movements in the neck.

For more sever case of spondylosis in the neck or cervical spondylosis it is treated with cortisone injections. If too much pressure is present in the spinal cord, the doctor may recommend hospitalization to the patient for complete bed rest and traction of the neck.

If all non-invasive form of treatment has failed then surgery may be necessary. Discuss your surgical options with your doctor thoroughly and know all the details for you to make the right decision.