Spondylolisthesis Definition

Spondylolisthesis is a health condition where one of the bones or vertebra in the spine shifts backward or forward with the adjoining bones or vertebras. The displacement can happen in a single vertebra or it can involve the whole spine or vertebral column.

A healthy spine is flexible and has the ability to rotate, move, bend and even extend. The flexibility of the spine is due to its structure where the vertebrae or bone is piled one of the other. These vertebras are the ones that protect the spinal cord. These vertebras are keep together by ligaments, joints, discs and muscles. All of these parts of the spine make it possible for the spine to move in different directions. If in any instance one of this vertebra slip from original position the individual usually suffers from what you call Spondylolisthesis.

Spondylolisthesis is described according to the degree of its severity. The degree of severity is graded from Grade 1 to 5. Grade 1 considered as the mildest or least advance to Grade 5 which is considered as most advanced. In details Grade 1 represents 25% of slippage, Grade 2 is 50% slippage, Grade 3 is 75% slippage, Grade 4 is 100% slippage and Grade 5 is when the whole vertebral body has fallen off, a condition called spondyloptosis.

There are two types of Spondylolisthesis and that is Anterolisthesis and Retrolisthesis. The former involves the upper part of the vertebral body which moves forward. The severity of the problem can be measure out through the degree of slippage. The latter is a condition where the vertebral body is displaced backward.

Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis

There are no specific symptoms for this condition for most individuals. In fact most people who suffer this condition do not even know it. Even those individuals who know who have this condition does not find them selves suffering or ill at all.

But there are instances where individuals who have Spondylolisthesis may experience abnormalities in walking. Patient may complain of lower back pain. Another common thing is leg pain. Muscle pain gets worst with physical activity and pain lessens out when at rest. For severe condition, individual may experience postural abnormalities.

Causes of Spondylolisthesis

The following are the major causes of Spondylolisthesis;

• The individual may have it from birth which is often called as congenital Spondylolisthesis.
• The individual is actively involve in sports like soccer, weight lifting or gymnastics. Individuals involve in such sports are prone or at high risk of developing the condition since this sports involve hyperextension of the spine.
• The natural process of aging can result to Spondylolisthesis. As you advance in age, your bones become weak thus more at risk with injuries.

This condition is curable thus is not alarming but you have to be careful too so take better good care of yourself. Many people would ask how you get this condition. Figures showed that men are more prone than women, in fact around five to six percent of men against two to three percent of women have Spondylolisthesis. Men are more likely to develop the condition than women since men engage more in physical activities. Individuals who engage in physical activities are at high risk of developing this condition.

This condition is rare with children with exception to those who have congenital Spondylolisthesis. This condition becomes common with seven to ten year old children since this is the stage where there is already an increase physical activity thus Spondylolisthesis is quite common among adolescents and adults.

Today, more and more studies are conducted for this condition. One study tackles imaging methods as a way to show abnormalities for pseudospondylolisthesis development which in turn has a significant effect in its therapy planning (Clinical Radiology 2010).

Another study also showed that occurrence of complications of Spondylolisthesis can be associated with its degree of slippage or the grade of Spondylolisthesis (Journal of Neurosurgery Spine 2010).