Lumbar Spondylosis Symptoms

Lumbar spondylosis is a condition prevalent to the elderly. It is a degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage and the spinal discs (Ann Rheum Dis 2009). This condition is closely associated with the tear and wear of the vertebrae of the lower back due to aging. In most cases, there are no symptoms at all or any complications that result from lumbar spondylosis.

Generally the degenerative changes in the lumbar spine can result to lumbar spondylosis which often leads to compression of the nerves thus resulting to pain that often spreads to the buttocks down to the legs and of course can lead to lower back pain. Lumbar spondylosis can also result to bone spurs in the vertebrae, disability, chronic pain and spinal osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of Lumbar Spondylosis varies and it usually depends in which part of the lower back is affected by spinal osteoarthritis or spondylosis. The symptoms can be mild to severe and in time may be chronic to the point of being disabling. The following are the common symptoms of Lumbar spondylosis – Sciatica, tingling or numbness of lower extremity, muscle spasm, early morning stiffness of the lower back, difficulty in walking, and bladder or bowel problems.

Treatment for such condition actually depends on the severity of the spondylosis. Fortunately most cases can be managed well with non-invasive form of treatment although if there is an extensive nerve compression then it probably needs surgical intervention.

Fortunately most lumbar spondylosis responds to non-invasive treatments like physical therapy which focuses in exercise. These exercise will aid in building strength, improve mobility and flexibility. Another big factor that can help is rest with some medications like analgesics or muscle relaxant. For support, a brace or corset is recommended for back support. Above all lifestyle changes is important in managing this condition. The list is definitely endless and there are lots of non-surgical treatment options that is available. Of course consult your doctor because not all this treatments work for you.