What Are The Best Exercises For Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal Stenosis is a condition where the spinal canal of an individual thins. This often affects older people and this cause compression of the spinal cord and nerves. Exercise cannot cure this condition although it can improve dramatically the flexibility and strength of the back. Exercise is vital since it can maintain mobility as the problems gets worse. You will see that various studies have been conducted on exercise for spinal stenosis as part of its treatment plan. In fact one study is conducted showing exercise as an option for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Journal 2010).

There are many exercises available for spinal stenosis patients which includes;

Strengthening exercise. This can be use to develop muscle tone and strengthens the abdominal area. This can certainly improve the overall body’s health and prevent injuries that can make stenosis worst.

Curls exercise. This is a simple exercise but is very effective for spinal stenosis patients. All you have to do is lie on your back and position your arm out to your side. Then bend your knee a little and press your back against the floor. Slowly lift your head followed by your shoulder blades. When your shoulder blades are off the floor then you can hold this position for a time and then return to your original position. Repeat the exercise several times.

Trunk Raise. An individual lies face down to the floor with the arms on its sides. You then tighten your buttock muscles and raise both your head and shoulder off the ground. The exercise stops when moving farther is impossible already and remains in this position for a time after which you can return to your original position. Repeat the exercise several times.

Hamstring Stretch. You lie on your back and raise one of your legs. While holding the back of the raised thigh with your hand, you straighten your knee until you feel your thigh stretch and stay in this position for around 20 seconds after which you can return to your original position. You can repeat this several times of each leg.

Standing Backward Bend. This is another good flexibility exercise. You stand with your back straight and your hands on your hips. Slowly bend backward until you can feel the gentle stretch and remain on that position for about five seconds before returning to your original position. You can repeat this stretch a few times more.

Perform any of this exercise regularly can help improve flexibility as well as strengthens your back. It does not really treat spinal stenosis however it can prevent it from getting worst.