Herniated Disc Treatments

The spine consists of vertebrae and this vertebrae is supported by squishy discs. These discs as long as they are healthy serves as shock absorber of the spine and keep the spine flexible. But if this disc is damaged it may rupture or bulge out. This condition is what we call as herniated disc or may also be called slipped disc.

Herniated disc can occur in any part of your spine but the most common area that is affected by this condition is the lower back or the lumbar spine. Some cases happen in the cervical spine or neck and some rare cases in the upper back or thoracic spine. This condition is most often cause by injury in the spine or as a result of aging where the disc dries out and thus are not as flexible as before.

Treatment for Herniated Disc

There are various ways of treating herniated disc but take note that treatment also depends on the following factors – age of the patient, the severity of the symptoms experience by the patient, activity level of the patient and if the symptoms is getting worst.

Most of the time, treatments of herniated disc start conventionally and gets more aggressive if the symptoms persist. After the patient is diagnose to have herniated dis, treatments usually starts with;

Change of activities and rest. The first things to do are rest and avoid activities that might aggravate your condition. Many of this conditions will resolve on its own given time.

Hot and Cold applications. In easing the pain, ice and heat application is quite effective. The application of ice and heat can aid in relaxing the muscles thus ease muscle spasm.

Physical Therapy. A certain exercise program recommended of course by your doctor will help a lot in relieving the symptoms.

Taking of anti-inflammatory medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are the most common medications that doctors prescribed to their patients. It lessens inflammation and relieves some pressure in the compressed nerves resulting to pain relief.

Taking of Oral steroid Medications. This also relieves inflammation around the compressed nerves thus relieving the patient of its symptoms.

Epidural Steroid Injections. This involves direct administration of cortisone in the affected area. The result is much faster and patients can readily experience relief of pain almost immediately after it is injected.

Other medications. There are other medications and this includes pain medications and muscle relaxers.

Surgery. Almost all of herniated disc patients do not need a surgery but in some instances there are patients whose symptoms do not go away despite of all the conventional treatment given instead their conditions gets worst thus a surgery might be their last option. There are different surgery procedures today thus it is important that you discuss everything in detail with your doctor before you decide to undergo surgery.