Lumbosacral Spondylosis Without Myelopathy

Lumbosacral spondylosis is a degenerative spinal condition which is very painful and happens mostly as a result of aging. Spondylosis my affect any part of the spine but if it affects the lower part or the lumbar then it is called Lumbosacral spondylosis. Fortunately most people can still find relief in non-surgical treatments however in more severe cases, surgery might be your only option.

Symptoms of Lumbosacral spondylosis usually includes stiffness and pain early in the morning when you wake up. Activities like sitting, bending or lifting for long periods of time can worsen the pain since this activity can put more pressure in your lower back. In some cases where disc degeneration is present then you may experience numbness, muscle spasm, weakness or tingling sensation in your legs. Bowel and bladder problems may also arise because of nerve compression.

Diagnosis of these conditions usually involves taking of your detailed medical history and taking in your symptoms followed by physical examination. Your doctor will check for any signs of abnormalities like tenderness or any muscle spasm. Your doctor may also try to see your range of motion if you have any difficulty in extending, rotating or bending your spine. Some imaging test may be required like MRI or X-ray.

As mentioned above, this condition often responds to non-operative form of treatment which may include taking of medications like anti-inflammatory medications, analgesic and muscle relaxants which are helpful in treating pain. Another is physical therapy which can include heat application and electrical stimulation which can help manage pain and relieves your from spasm. In more severe cases where non-operative options do not work then surgery is your option. Its goal is to decompress the spine so as to relieve you from pain.

If you are suffering from Lumbosacral spondylosis then you are in for some lifestyle changes. Exercise should now be part of your daily routine. Exercise can help strengthen your back as well as your abdominal muscles which can help support the spine. Also if your job requires you heavy lifting then your doctor might suggest that you find another job that is less stressful to the spine.

To date various research are done in this subject and just two years ago researchers from University of Alberta have identified eight genes that is linked to disc degeneration. This new discovery will help in understanding the mechanism behind degeneration and they are hopeful that this study may lead them to effective disc degeneration intervention in the future (Express News March 2009).