Tag Archives: spinal canal

Lumbar Decompression Surgery

Lumbar decompression surgery is a procedure that is done to reduce pain that results from pinched nerves. The procedure involves removing a small part of the bone or disc material that presses the nerve root so as to free the nerve root and give it more space thus providing a fast healing environment. There are […]

Cervical Spinal Stenosis Causes And Treatment

Cervical spinal stenosis is the thinning of the space surrounding the neck and spinal cord. The bones in the spine have a hollow space where the spinal cord passes through and this hollow space is what we call spinal canal. The thinning of this spinal canal results to condition called central stenosis or spinal canal […]

Ruptured Disc Surgery

Surgeries for ruptured disc is rarely needed however there are cases where surgery is the only option but this happens in about ten percent of patients suffering from ruptured disc. If all conventional methods of treatment fails and there is no improvement at all within three to six months of conventional treatment then that is […]

What Are The Best Spinal Stenosis Exercises?

Aging brings a lot of changes in every individual. Some age beautifully and healthy while other’s physical health is deteriorating. This deterioration includes joint pain, loss of flexibility, difficulty in one’s movement and muscle pain. One condition that often occurs due to aging is Spinal Stenosis.

Cervical Stenosis Surgery Procedures

Stenosis of the cervical spine is the thinning of the spinal canal which often a result from conditions like arthritis. It is also a result from poor posture and aging. Through time the disc which support and protect the vertebrae gets worn out so that the bone which comprise the spine lose their flexibility. In […]