Good Exercises For Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition where one of the vertebras slips backward or forward. Degree of slippage varies, from cases that are not noticeable to one that need extensive lifestyle alterations. The most effective treatment so far is maintaining a regular exercise to strengthen the back and prevent it from further damage from Spondylolisthesis.

Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis include lower back pain, muscle tightness in the hamstring area, and spreading pain in the glutes and thigh. As for treatment, the usual initial course of action is a regular stretching and strengthening exercise. For severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

What are good exercises for Spondylolisthesis?


Yoga has existed a long time ago and it originated in India million of years ago. This might be an ancient exercise but it never stops to amaze people around the world for its eternal benefits that it brings. Yoga promotes flexibility of the whole body and makes the body strong.

Since Spondylolisthesis often results in stiffness in the lower back, yoga can bring lots of benefits to Spondylolisthesis patients. It is important though that individuals who perform yoga should be able to regulate its breathing too as it perform yoga posture, the combination of deep breathing, stretching and holding the posture for a time can facilitate circulation all through the body. As a result each organ in the body is able to receive the right amount of nutrients it needs.


Stretching exercise is actually beneficial to most of back conditions including Spondylolisthesis. When you stretch regularly your body becomes elastic. In case of Spondylolisthesis, the back becomes stiff thus stretching exercise can release the tension in the back. Some of the most famous stretch exercise is the back flexion stretch and the hamstring stretch.

Back Flexion stretch. Lie on the floor and curl into a ball by pulling your knees to your chest as well as stretch your head toward your knees. Hold this rounded position for about ten seconds before going back to your original position. Repeat this for eight to ten times.

Hamstring stretch. Sit in the floor with one leg fully extended in front of you and the other leg is tucked in. Slowly lean forward in the waist until you feel a moderate stretch in your hamstring. Hold the position for fifteen seconds. Repast three to six times.

The most important thing is, whatever exercise you choose from it is vital that you should take it under professional supervision and of course perform exercise after your doctor’s advice.