Sciatic Nerve Stretches

Sciatica is not really considered a medical condition but it is more of a symptom of another medical problem. It is mostly a result from an injury or a compression of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is tingling, numbness, weakness or pain in the legs.

To have a clear picture, a sciatic nerve is by far the widest and longest nerve in the body starting from the lower back down to the buttocks and to the lower limb. So one can imagine the areas that will be affected with pain if the sciatic nerve is compress.

What is the common cause of sciatica? The following are the most common cause of sciatica – slipped disc, degenerative disc disease, Pelvic fracture or injury, spinal stenosis, tumors and Piriformis syndrome.

A sciatica symptom varies from mild to severe pain, mild tingling, burning sensation or dull ache. In some instances the pain is too severe that it can be disabling. The pain often happens in one side only but the affected feet will surely feel weak afterwards. Pain develops slowly but the pain may get worst at night, after sitting or standing, when walking more than a few yards or when bending backwards and when you are coughing, sneezing or even laughing.

Sciatica treatment varies and it depends on its underlying cause. That is why it is important that proper identification of the cause is done so that proper treatment will be initiated. In some cases treatment is not needed at all and it just goes away on its own but in most cases non-invasive form of treatment is recommended by most doctors. Doctors might recommend taking of pain relievers like acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Along with the medication is the application of heat and cold packs to the affected area. Use the cold pack for the first 3 days followed by the hot pack.

Exercise is best too for sciatica. A couple of sciatic nerve stretches can help a lot in relieving pain. Check below some of the sciatic nerve stretches.

Gastrocnemius stretches. Do the exercise with your back lying flat in the floor and your hands on your sides. Raise your right leg with your heels pointing and not your toes. Hold the position for about ten to fifteen seconds before you lower back your leg. Repeat it ten times or more. Do the same in your left leg. Breathe properly when doing this stretch.

Biceps stretches. These stretches of the sciatic nerves involves the lower limbs and this can relieve pressure on the pinched sciatic nerve. With your back flat on the floor, cross your right leg over your left and pull it towards your chest. Repeat the stretch ten times or more. Observe proper breathing when doing the stretch.

Lower Back Stretches. Lower back stretches can be done by bending exercise. Bend for as low as you can without hurting your back. Just support your weight with your hands on your thighs. Bend or rise slowly to avoid injury to happen in your back. This kind of stretch aims to strengthen your pelvic-lumbar part of the body and your buttocks.

Calcaneal Stretches. This simple stretch can be done while you sit comfortably. Sit with your back straight. Stretch your leg and point with your sole then afterwards your heel. Perform this alternately for at least ten times. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles at the back of your ankles.

Indeed exercise is much better way to relieve sciatic nerve pain than the usual bed rest according to Spine-Health. Individual may rest after the attack but two days is the most and you have to move around because inactivity will certainly makes your situation worst. Thus the stretches above are just perfect for you.