Causes Of Chronic Leg Pain

Any pain in any part of your body is always a cause of concern and should not be neglected. Pain is one way of telling you that something is wrong. Mild pain might not get your attention that much but if that pain becomes too severe that it prevents you from doing your regular activities that sure will catch your attention. If you feel chronic pain in the leg you might have to limit your standing and walking activities till the pain goes away. There are several factors that causes leg pain and listed below are some of the most common factor.

Causes of Chronic Leg Pain

Inflammation of the Joint (Gout). It is an inflammation of the joint cause by presence of uric acid in the joint space. When it attacks it can be very painful to the point that the pain will actually wake you up if you are asleep. Gout then is one possible cause of chronic leg pain.

Thrombosis. Deep vain thrombosis is a condition where blood clots develops in one or more veins in the body. Blood clot is another term for thrombosis. The symptoms of such condition is mainly pain. When this condition happens in the legs it will result to severe leg pain. Factors that can lead to deep vein thrombosis is sitting still for a long period of time like when traveling by plane or car. This do needs immediate medical care.

Achilles Tendonitis. This condition involves the inflamed Achilles tendon. This is mostly cause by a sport related injury. This condition cause a lot of pain to affected individual. Pain is often accompanied with swelling and tenderness of the tendons. Chronic Achilles tendon cause acute leg pain to adults and even children.

Baker’s Cyst. This condition involves a fluid-filled cyst which causes a feeling of tightness at the back of the knee. Its symptom is a sharp pain which gets worst when you move or extend your knees. Baker’s cyst usually happens when you experience problem in knee joint due to cartilage rip or arthritis.

These are just some of the causes for leg pain. It is important that when you experience persistent leg pain then do not waste time but consult your doctor immediately so the cause may be identified and get treated before it gets worst. Remember, pain is nature’s way of sending signals that something is wrong with your body so do not ignore it.