What Are The Causes Of Hip And Leg Pain?

Hip and Leg pain are common incidence after accidents and injury. Leg pain might be cause by conditions that involves the muscles, bones, joints, nerves, blood vessels, skin and ligaments. With hip pain, the most common cause is trauma and of course any inflammation in the hip area.

Causes of Leg Pain

Causes of leg pain are categorized into two and that is Trauma and Non-traumatic, Let us take a closer look of what this two is all about.


The most obvious cause of leg pain as well as hip pain is trauma. Any fall or twisting injuries can damaged the joints, muscles and bones. The following traumatic injuries that can result to leg pain are:

  • Fracture. Fracture means cracked or broken bones. This injury cause so much pain brought about by the nerve ending found in the lining of the bone. Added to that is the muscle around the bones that go into spasm thus increase the pain.
  • Strains and Sprains. This is a ligament injury which happens when ligament fibers are torn (partially or complete) causing strain and sprain. This then result to inflammation and swelling that result to agonizing pain.
  • Shin Splints. It is an overuse of the shin bone or tibia. Most common cause of the pain is dancing, jumping and running.
  • Bleeding. Injuries can result to bleeding in the joints and tissues. This then result to excessive swelling which will result to compartment syndrome. This then result to numbness, pain and the difficulty to move the ankle or foot.

Non-Traumatic Leg Pain

Non-traumatic leg pain is cause by various health conditions which includes Peripheral artery diseases, blood clot, low back pain due to sciatica, neuropathy, chronic illnesses like alcoholism, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies and cancer, skin inflammation, joint pain, muscle pain and cramps, muscle injuries and hamstring injury.

Causes of Hip Pain

Hip pain is mostly cause by trauma like Contusions or Bruises, overuse injuries and hip bursitis. Aside from trauma, hip pain can be cause by other illnesses like Arthritis, Viral or bacterial infections, Avascular necrosis of the Femoral head and Fibromyalgia. The pain itself might not come from the hip itself but cause by other adjacent structures. It might mean hernia or sciatica.

For children who whine about leg or hip pain, it should not be overlooked especially if pain is constant or if a fever exist then you should consult your doctor. If adults experience the same for a long period of time then don’t waste time and seek your doctor.