Tag Archives: arthroscopic surgery

Arthroscopic Spinal Surgery

Arthroscopic spinal surgery is actually a minimally invasive kind of back surgery that is done through a small cut compared to the traditional spinal surgery where the incision is quite large. The procedure makes use of an arthroscope. It is thin flexible equipment about the size of a drinking straw where the spinal surgeon can […]

Arthroscopic Back Surgery

A less invasive kind of back surgery is what is much preferred by patients these days. This procedure is called Arthroscopic back surgery where an arthroscope is use. It is a flexible tool like a drinking straw which the surgeon use when operating. The use of such tool and arthroscopic procedures can lessen the patient’s […]

Arthroscopic Spine Surgery Procedures

Arthroscopic spine surgery makes use of an endoscope to see the precise site of the affected area. The procedure of this surgery is different from the traditional open back surgery. Arthroscopy is an advance spine surgery where patient can avoid removal of the bone and muscle dissection so that patients who are suffering from thoracic, […]