Treatment For Pinched Nerve In Neck

A pinched nerve in the neck is usually caused of degenerative disc disease or neck arthritis. It forms a bone spurs thus lessens the disc height so that it now lessens the opening where the nerve travels. This then cause pinching of the nerve. Herniated disc can also result to a pinched nerve since the herniated disc can put pressure on the nerve. Neck injury can also result to pinched nerve in the neck.

Generally the most common symptom of a pinched nerve in the neck is muscle weakness in areas where the nerve is affected, numbness, tingling and pain. Symptoms get worst sometimes when sneezing or coughing. Symptoms usually begin in the neck and may spread to the arms, shoulders and even the fingers.

Cervical spine consists of C1 to C8 and symptoms vary and depends on what level of the cervical spine is affected. The most common occurrence of a pinched nerve is in C6 and C7and the less common are C2 to C4.

Treatment for Pinched Nerve in the Neck

The most appropriate initial approach for most individual who suffers from pinched nerve in the neck is non-surgical treatment. There is lots of non-surgical form of treatment and a combination of it may just work.

Manual Therapy

The use of cervical collar or neck brace in limiting movement in the neck can help lessen the inflammation in the nerve root and may lessen muscle spasm too. There has been research that can support that manual therapy is much better option than any other non-surgical form of treatment (Annals of Internal Medicine 2002) and it is more effective and most of all least expensive than any physiotherapy or any other care by health professionals (BMJ 2003).


Many medical practitioners do not recommend manipulation yet this can bring benefit to the patients. Reputable chiropractors can certainly do some manipulations of the neck without further worsening the condition. They are expert in their field and they certainly can make these adjustments which bring out good results. This is indeed much better than getting dependent with drugs for relief of pain.


The most common medication prescribe are NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to provide relief from pain. One thing though, this medications when use for a long time brings undesirable effect so that taking of such medication should be closely monitored for it can bring on possible gastrointestinal, kidney and liver toxicity.

Narcotic analgesics may be required for early and severe stage of cervical radiculopathy although this type of medicine is not good for long term use because of its addictive properties. These medications are usually given to patients who cannot tolerate NSAIDs.

Oral corticosteroids are also prescribed for acute radicular pain. Another is the use of spinal steroid injections although there are complications but rare like dural puncture, spinal cord injury, meningitis and many more.

Explore more of the non-surgical form of treatment as much as possible. If the condition shows no improvement at all then surgery may be necessary.