What Are The Best Herbs For Arthritis?

Inflammation as defined in the Webster’s Dictionary is a diseased condition of some part of the body cause by irritation, infection, injury and it features swelling, heat, pain and redness (20th Century Webster’s Dictionary). If you think of a specific condition that is characterized by inflammation, the first thing that will probably come to mind is arthritis.

Arthritis is not just a single disease but it actually embraced more than a hundred kinds of rheumatic diseases which often affect the surrounding tissues and joints. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and Gout. It is a common knowledge that there is really no cure for arthritis but fortunately there are natural ways which proves to be beneficial for individuals who suffers from arthritis. Here are some of the best herbs for arthritis.


Ginger has been use a long time ago in India to treat pain and inflammation. Indian researchers have investigated the benefits of Ginger and they discover that it really relieve pain. There is one study made in year 1992 where ginger was given to individuals who experience muscle pain which results to some improvement for all participants. Also 75% of the participants who are suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis claims that they experience substantial relief from pain and most important of all no side effects were reported even for those participants who have been taking ginger for two years.

Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw is an African plant which is named “devil’s claw” because of the claw like shape of its fruit. According to John Cammarata, M.D. this herb is good for relieving arthritis pain and it often improves mobility and flexibility of the affected joint thus resulting to healing. This herb might be a newcomer in the United States but this herb certainly exist and has been used in Europe for about 300 years and even longer in Africa (Cammarata, John, M.D, Physician’s Guide to Herbal Wellness, 1996).


This herb is said to be the oldest natural anti-inflammatory drug when you talk about Ayurvedic medicine. Several studies have been made already as a support for this claim. One study was done with 49 patients all suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. They were given 1,200 mg/day for five to six weeks and there was significant improvement with the participants. Results showed an overall improvement in its physical endurance and morning stiffness.


This herb has the ability to relieve migraine headaches, has anti-inflammatory effects and is often use to relieve arthritis symptoms. This herb is believed to increase blood flow thus help in the body’s healing efforts according to John Cammarata, M.D. (A Physician's Guide to Herbal Wellness. Chicago Press, 1996)

Kathi Kerville describes this herb as a natural aspirin and also mentions its ability to lower levels of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are a hormone like chemicals produce in the bodies which are responsible for inflammation if it is in excess. Thus this herb has the ability to reduce inflammation Keville, Kathi. Herbs for Hearth and Healing. Rodale Press, 1996).

Other ways to relieve arthritis pain is by maintaining a healthy weight, be physically active, eat a healthy diet which contains minerals like magnesium and calcium and plenty of Vitamins B, C, D, and E.