Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief

Acupuncture is proven to be effective treatment for back pain. Several studies have been conducted already and found acupuncture to be effective in lessening chronic back pain. Procedure for acupuncture involves the use of thin needles to be inserted in various strategic points in your body. This serves to balance the flow of energy in the body which is known as chi.

Although studies have shown the effectivity of acupuncture in reducing back pain still scientists still do not have the answers why acupuncture can affect the amount of pain you feel. Acupuncture has the same effects as sham or simulated acupuncture and this is supported with several studies. Sham acupuncture involves the use of toothpick. It is use to tapped the skin at its strategic points. Both sham acupuncture ad acupuncture is effective against the usual medical treatments ( Archives of Internal Medicine 2009).

Acupuncture is safe as long as it is done by professional and certified acupuncture practitioner. Just like any form of treatments, there are possible side effects which may include bruising, infection, bleeding or soreness at the needle sites.

Acupuncture isn’t really a cure but it can be a great combination with other forms of traditional treatment and not all who suffers from back pain responds well with acupuncture. That is why if your pain persists for long time then perhaps acupuncture is not for you. If you are considering acupuncture then discuss it with your doctor and he can recommend you to an acupuncturist.

Various studies have shown the effectivity of Acupuncture in various kinds of pain and conditions like headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, sciatica, low back pain and many more. It is also found out that it relieves nausea from chemotherapy (J Clin Oncol 2005).

One of the largest study showed that long time use of acupuncture lessens pain by forty percent for those who suffers from knee osteoarthritis. Even if the results are not immediate but after two months you can already see improvement in function and after three months and half, an improvement in pain is experience ( Annals of Internal Medicine 2004).