Exercises For Leg Pain Relief

Pain in the legs is a common occurrence and is experience by most individual at some point of time. Fortunately most leg pain goes away on its own. But there are cases too when leg pain is too severe and might need immediate medical attention. Leg pain is quite a broad subject but to understand it better, it is best that you know the potential or possible causes of pain in the leg. Listed below are some of the possible causes of leg pain.

Dehydration and less Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium Level in The Body.

To reveal such problem, you can have a blood test to see if you are dehydrated or low electrolyte level. If you are, then this can be readily treated by simply eating water rich foods specifically fruits and vegetables. Regular intake of foods too that are rich in sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium also address the problem.

Leg Pain or Cramps Cause by Overexertion

Too much overuse of the muscle can cause leg pain or cramps. A simple stretching exercise can solve this problem.

Physical Injuries

Leg pain can be a result from various physical injuries and the most common are muscle strains, muscle tears and tendonitis. All these are better cured by proper rest and the right rehabilitation. If condition does not improved after a period of rest then consult your health care provider.


There are instances too that leg pain is a result from degenerative arthropathy which often affects the joints in the hips, knees, ankles and feet. With degenerative arthritis, pain can often be felt when the joints are actively use but with arthropathy like rheumatoid arthritis and Gout, pain is felt even when you are at rest. Both kinds of arthritis can be address by having a vegetable diet, regularly consumes high quality green food product and regular intake of essential fatty acids.

Nerve Irritation

This is often cause by tight ligaments, muscles or tendons which usually puts pressure on a group of nerves in the lower extremities. Nerve irritation can also happen due to bone spurs that can develop around the spinal column.


Leg pain can be a result from infection and this is usually diagnosed through blood test. An increased in white blood cells definitely shows infections and need to be treated immediately.

Blood Clot

Blood clot also known as deep vein thrombosis can also cause leg pain. Blood clots can develop due to various factors like fractures, regular use of birth control pills, recent surgery or trauma, bed rest and prolong sitting. Potential dangers of these are - it can break off and travel to the cardiovascular system thus will land in the brain, lungs, heart or any major organ which in turn will cause lots of damage to that organ. The second danger is that poor blood circulation leading the way to possible gangrene formations in wounds.

Leg pain as a result from blood clot usually occurs in one leg only and it usually manifests pain, tenderness and feeling of warmth in the affected area. In rare cases it is accompanied with redness and swelling. As a precaution, if you feel leg pain that fits this description then make sure you do not massage the affected area to prevent any possibility of clot to break off and goes through the cardiovascular system. This condition definitely requires close supervision of a hematologist.


A plaque in the blood vessels in the legs can lessen blood flow to that specific region which can result to leg pain. This condition often occurs during activity and often disappears when resting. So far the best way to treat and prevent is to follow a vegetable diet, avoid the use on unhealthy oils and sugar and have lots of rest.

So far most of the conditions above can be simply treated by simple stretching and exercise. However it is important that you consult your doctor before performing any exercise and when you do perform one, make sure to do it slowly. A mild exercise pain is fine but if pain gets worst as you progress with your exercise then stop immediately and call your doctor.

So what is the best exercise for leg pain relief? The simplest and best exercise to relieve leg pain are walking, jogging and swimming.

A steady long walk keeps your body in constant regular motion. This does not only benefit the legs but it benefits the whole body from the head down to your abdomen and of course to your legs. A thirty minute walk will certainly benefit your body but for beginners you can start on a 10 minute walk and slowly increase it as you go on everyday.

Jogging and swimming are also good not just for the legs but for the whole body. In fact this is one exercise that is prescribed by the U.S. Sports Institute. Doing these 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week is good enough.