Acupressure For Back Pain

Most of the people today suffer from back pain. It can be very troublesome especially if it begins to affect your day to day activities and you get to miss work. Treatment depends on the severity of back pain. There are back pains that do not even need treatment only rest but there are back pain that is persistent thus needs immediate medical attention.

Most people do seek traditional form of treatment like Acupressure. Acupressure is a Chinese medicine which is gentle and safe. This practice is use to relieve symptoms of back pain through applying pressure in different regions of the body which they call as acupressure points.

Back pain is one condition that most people suffer today. Unfortunately for some it can lead to chronic back pain. There can be plenty of causes for back pain, from simple posture problems to problems in the spine. Conservative treatment is always the first option and acupressure is one that can help manage the pain.

Using the fingertips, thumbs or even elbows to apply pressure to the acupressure points. Its goal is to obtain balance of chi or life energy in the body. When this chi flows naturally then the result is good health and wellness. Acupressure is effective and a proven way of restoring balance in the body.

What are the benefits of Acupressure?

Acupressure brings a lot of benefits in the body and to mention a few – decreases pinched nerves which can result to back pain, lessens or removes pain, it is natural and safe thus does not have any side effects like any drug medication, improved blood circulation, boost the immune system, it stimulates the release of endorphins which is the body’s natural analgesic, relaxes the muscles, can be use with other therapies and put the body back in balance.

Indeed acupressure is effective in managing pain and there are various studies that can prove this. There is one study that confirms the successful application of acupressure for back pain. Studies showed that after six acupressure treatments participants showed long lasting and immediate improvement from their condition (British Medical Journal).

Also the World Health Organization also approves of acupressure as an effective way for pain relief. This only shows that acupressure is one you can trust and depend on.