Tag Archives: inversion equipment

Black Exercise Fitness Therapy Inversion Table

As one grows old, gravity begins to take its effect on your body. The effects of gravity in the body slowly strains down on your spine, muscles and organs. Healthy living means proper diet and exercise which only slow down the onset of undesirable effects of gravity like neck and back pain. But there is […]

Ironman Gravity 1000 Inversion Table

What is Inversion Therapy? Inversion therapy requires the user to hang upside down and use a gentle traction to the spine. Inversion have existed as early as 400 BC and it is only in 1981 that it begins to make known again. Inversion Therapy helps to treat back pain and most of all is use […]

Teeter Hang Ups EZ Up Inversion Rack

Are you in for an inverted exercise? The Teeter Hang Ups EZ Up Inversion Rack provides a great inverted exercise like sit-ups, squats and crunches. It also provides a full stretch body exercise which brings a lot of benefits to users. This device is ideal if you have a small space because it does not […]

Teeter Hang Ups EP550 Sport Inversion Therapy Table

Teeter Hang Ups is the leader in the inversion equipment industry since 1981. Since then they have not stop producing high quality inversion equipment whose design has been time proven to be dependable and safe. Just a few minutes use of this equipment daily will let you experience a whole lots of benefits like back […]

Health Mark IV18600 Pro Inversion Therapy Chair

Want to try inversion therapy with less discomfort in your ankle? Then  Health Mark IV18600 Pro Inversion Therapy Chair offers back pain relief and other benefits inversion therapy provide and what is more? It is easy in your knees, ankles, feet and hips. Instead of full inversion in inversion table you will invert from a […]

Soozier Elite Gravity Fitness Therapy Exercise Inversion Table

Inversion table along with inversion chairs is a convenient and easy way to benefit from inversion therapy. The use of inversion table is known to bring relief from back pain and most of all it is proven to counter the negative effects of gravity in your body. You might not know it but gravity do […]

Marcy IVT 845 Inversion Therapy Chair

Inversion therapy is not new anymore, in fact it has been around since 400 BC when the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates use spinal decompression machines and inversion for individuals who are suffering from back and neck pain. Today a variety of inversion machines is available in the market – inversion tables, inversion chairs and […]

Marcy IVT450 Inversion Therapy Table

If you are one person who have a busy lifestyle, suffers too much stress and experience recurring back pains then you might want to consider Marcy IVT450 Inversion Therapy Table. This inversion table helps to oppose the effects of too much time spent in standing, moving around or sitting. It can also aid in strengthening […]

Body Champ IT8070 Inversion Therapy Table

We know for a fact that inversion therapy neutralizes the opposite pull of gravity in the body especially in the back through stretching and decompressing the spine. It does not only relieve pressure in your spine but it can also relax your back muscles that support the vertebrae. When your back relaxes then other parts […]

Ironman Gravity 2000 Inversion Table

Too many people nowadays are seeking the most effective method in treating back pain. It can be frustrating when the problem keeps coming back and surgery is not a very desirable option for an individual maybe because of the high risk one is taking. When you undergo surgery it does not really guarantee  you 100% […]