Magnetic Therapy For Back Pain

Magnetic therapy for back pain relief is another option in treating symptoms. These magnets have been use by medical profession for thousands of years all over the world. Studies have shown that magnets provide noticeable effects on blood, other bodily tissues. The use of such magnets today in health care has remained to be controversial in the field of research today.

How does it work? Magnet therapy for pain is actually using the magnetic force to have an effect on bodily systems. Its purpose is to increase circulation in the affected area and increase the body’s own natural healing. It can affect the circulation through drawing or repelling charged particles in the blood. You can actually direct the movement of the blood towards where the painful area in the back is by using the pull of the magnetic field. One way of relieving back pain is through increased circulation in your back. Magnet is believed to open up blood vessels which in turn will increase oxygen and blood where the pain is.

The device use by professional magnet therapist is a big magnetic field which is electrically powered. Use of such device should be supervised and use only by an expert. That is why most therapy centers also sell magnetic jewelries which are known to heal different health problems which include back pains. Magnetic jewelries include earrings, pins, bracelets, necklaces and rings.  There are even magnetic mugs as well as glasses and insoles. Indeed magnetic products are now becoming a great market these days.

What are the risks of magnetic therapy? Prolong use or exposure with powerful magnetic fields can bring about many health problems like memory loss, cellular mutation, cancer, circulation problems just to mention a few. Patients with pace makers and pregnant women should avoid magnetic therapy.

In conclusion, Magnet therapy is not really proven to work with back pains but so far studies showed a promising future for most kinds of painful conditions. Knowing this and you still want to try it out, then it is best that you talk with your doctor and ask advice. You do not want to make your conditions worst by making ignorant decision.